
Your vehicle’s transmission is one of its most important components. A regularly maintained transmission can last you a very long time; however, a transmission that has not had maintenance regularly can cost you a lot of money. Often, a damaged transmission can be the difference between a “repairable” vehicle and a “complete loss,” in the eyes of an insurance adjuster. With the advent of semi–automatic transmissions, a damaged transmission can often be too costly to repair or replace.

Don’t worry though, at Midas, we have a full line of preventative maintenance specifically designed to keep your transmission working smooth and effectively.

Transmission Fluid Cleaning & Treatment

Transmission fluid cleaning and treatment is designed to improve the performance of transmission fluid. The additive’s highly advanced synthetic formula improves the surface layer performance in all components, enabling it to work in all modern automatic transmission fluids.

This treatment, essentially, helps to extend the life of transmission fluid. In tests, the additive was shown to last twice the life of untreated transmission fluid. It also proved to reduce shift times and reduced wear on metals by up to 65% over OEM fluids!

Transmission Fluid Cleaning & Treatment

The treatment will help:

  • Instantly eliminate shudder and chatter.
  • Dramatically reduce friction and wear.
  • Increase thermal stability of automatic transmission fluid.
  • Inhibit fluid oxidation and foaming.
  • Improve shift quality.
  • Extend transmission life.

We recommend performing this service every 24,000 miles to 36,000 miles or every two years.

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